Thursday, November 11, 2010

Freedom Isn't Free - Veterans Day 2010

In memory of my Grandpa who served in Europe during WWII.  I know few details about where and how my Grandpa served.  He only told me bits and pieces when I would ask him about his service.  Usually he would try and retell something funny that happened, such as his experiences on his ship during the crossing with his fleet.  He would exaggerate how the soup bowls would slide with the waves, causing each soldier to take a spoonful from a bowl as it went by.  I remember him chuckling about that and wondering if it really happened that way or if he was only pulling my leg.  He would talk about the tight bunks and how the ships were positioned in the convoy but nothing of the war itself or the sacrifice that he made.   He mentioned France and how he was stationed at a prisoner of war camp but nothing else.  I am only left with the knowledge that this part of his life stripped him of his youth--it changed his life forever.  Thank you Grandpa for the part you played in protecting our freedom. 

To all our military men and woman.  Thank you for your service!  Let us never forget the sacrifices that were made and are continuing to be made today.


  1. Beautiful post! Both of my grandfathers are gone now and I wish I wasn't so young when they past since now I would love to ask questions and learn. My father served in Vietnam and I now ask as many questions as he can bare...don't get to much info tho, but I understand why now. thank you to your grandfathers and to all our Vets of present and past

  2. Thank you for the recognition to our service men and women young and old. Nicely done
